
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

Moorfield Storey文件存储在场外,必须要求至少两个业务 days in advance via Portal1791. 需要6件以上非现场储存物品的研究人员应提供 additional advance notice. 如果你对从网站外索取材料有疑问 寄存请利记手机官网咨询台617-646-0532或

Collection Summary


这本文集由律师兼作家摩尔菲尔德的论文组成 马萨诸塞州波士顿的故事,包括信件,商业和法律文件,著作, and scrapbooks.

Biographical Sketch

莫尔菲尔德·斯托里(1845-1929)是马萨诸塞州波士顿的一名律师和作家. He served as 1867年至1869年担任查尔斯·萨姆纳的私人秘书,1869年至1929年在波士顿执业, 成为斯托里、桑代克、帕尔默和道奇事务所的高级职员. He also served as 1896年担任美国律师协会主席,以及反帝国主义联盟主席, 马萨诸塞州公民改革俱乐部,全国有色人种协进会, 周四晚间俱乐部,游戏俱乐部,善政协会,以及哈佛大学的监督员 College in 1872-1888 and 1892-1910.

Collection Description

Moorfield Storey的文件包括原始通信,打字信件,业务 法律文件,著作,一本他的自传,一份Gen. George Washington's 账目(1775-1783)和剪贴簿. 除了记录Storey兴趣的论文 反帝国主义和公务员改革,收藏包含剪贴簿有关 菲律宾独立,以及美国原住民和非裔美国人的公民权利. Also 包括菲斯克·沃伦的打字日记摘录,附在沃伦寄给他的一封信中 Storey, 1903. 记者包括查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯,加马利尔·布拉德福德,菲利普·P. Chase, 弗朗西斯·沃德·钱德勒,理查德·亨利·达纳,亨利·赫伯特·埃德斯,马库斯·佩兰·诺尔顿,约翰 Torrey Morse, Charles Sumner, Charles Moorfield Storey, Gertrude Cutts Storey, Erving Winslow, and George Fred Williams.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Charles M. Storey, 1969. 1994年11月,Palmer和Dodge补充.

Restrictions on Access

Moorfield Storey文件存储在场外,必须要求至少两个业务 days in advance via Portal1791. 需要6件以上非现场储存物品的研究人员应提供 additional advance notice. 如果你对从网站外索取材料有疑问 寄存请利记手机官网咨询台617-646-0532或


I. 松散的信件和其他文件, 1848-1935

这个系列包含了莫尔菲尔德·斯托里的信件和其他论文,包括他的 correspondence with Charles Francis Adams and other Adams family members; unverified typescripts of letters apparently copied out of Storey's letterbooks; and speeches, essays, 以及斯托里的其他杂文.

Box 1SH 1AIA
查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯的信件, 1882-1915
Box 1SH 1AIA
Other Adams family correspondence, 1872-1930
Box 2SH 1AIB
Correspondence and papers, 1848-1906
Box 3SH 1AIC
Correspondence and papers, 1907-1929
Box 4SH 1AID
Correspondence and papers, 1930-1935 and undated
Box 4SH 1AID
Speeches and writings, 1895-191929 folders.
Box 4SH 1AID
Undated speeches and writings, no. 1-11
Box 5SH 1AIE
Undated speeches and writings, no. 12-22


Box 5SH 1AIE
杂项文件、照片和印刷品/蜉蝣9 folders.
Box 5SH 1AIE
反帝盟的账簿, 1898-19023 slim volumes.
Box 6SH 1AIF
Letter typescripts, 1895-1924 (unverified)

II. Letterbooks, 1894-1929

本丛书由32卷信笺(以箱计)组成,内含 Storey's outgoing correspondence.

Carton 1SH 1AIIVol. 1
17 March 1894–31 July 1896
Carton 1SH 1AIIVol. 2
15 September 1896–13 January 1900
Carton 1SH 1AIIVol. 3
15 January 1900–10 February 1902
Carton 2SH 1AK5Vol. 4
10 February 1902–10 April 1903
Carton 2SH 1AK5Vol. 5
10 April 1903–15 February 1904
Carton 2SH 1AK5Vol. 6
15 February 1904–17 May 1905
Carton 3SH 1AK6Vol. 7
17 May 1905–29 May 1906
Carton 3SH 1AK6Vol. 8
31 May 1906–9 August 1907
Carton 3SH 1AK6Vol. 9
19 August 1907–18 November 1908
Carton 4SH 1AK7Vol. 10
19 November 1908–20 January 1910
Carton 4SH 1AK7Vol. 11
20 January 1910–24 January 1911
Carton 4SH 1AK7Vol. 12
24 January 1911–20 November 1911
Carton 5SH 1AK8Vol. 13
20 November 1911–16 October 1912
Carton 5SH 1AK8Vol. 14
17 October 1912–7 July 1913
Carton 5SH 1AK8Vol. 15
17 July 1913–7 April 1914
Carton 6SH 1AK9Vol. 16
10 April 1914-2 April 1915
Carton 6SH 1AK9Vol. 17
2 April 1915–10 March 1916
Carton 6SH 1AK9Vol. 18
11 March 1916–16 November 1916
Carton 7SH 1AKAVol. 19
16 November 1916–6 September 1917
Carton 7SH 1AKAVol. 20
7 September 1917–14 August 1918
Carton 7SH 1AKAVol. 21
14 August 1918–28 May 1919
Carton 8SH 1AKBVol. 22
29 May 1919–13 April 1920
Carton 8SH 1AKBVol. 23
13 April 1920–9 March 1921
Carton 8SH 1AKBVol. 24
9 March 1921–13 February 1922
Carton 9SH 1AKCVol. 25
13 February 1922–6 January 1923
Carton 9SH 1AKCVol. 26
12 January 1923–6 October 1923
Carton 9SH 1AKCVol. 27
5 October 1923-16 May 1924
Carton 10SH 1AKDVol. 28
16 May 1924–15 April 1925
Carton 10SH 1AKDVol. 29
15 April 1925–12 March 1926
Carton 10SH 1AKDVol. 30
12 March 1926–29 December 1926
Carton 11SH 1AKEVol. 31
29 December 1926–27 October 1927
Carton 11SH 1AKEVol. 32
28 October 1927–18 November 1929

III. Scrapbooks, 1850s-1928

这个系列包括由Moorfield Storey保存的九卷剪贴簿,主要是报纸 利记APP官网手机版他感兴趣的话题的剪报,比如非裔美国人的民权、菲律宾 独立、公务员制度改革和反帝国主义.

剪贴簿1、2、3和5放在箱子里,其他的放在两个文件里 boxes. 剪贴簿1-7是Storey按这个顺序编号的.

Carton 11SH 1AKEScrapbook 1
1914–1927 (mostly 1923-1927)
Carton 12SH 1AKFScrapbook 2
Carton 12SH 1AKFScrapbook 3
Box 7SH 1AIGScrapbook 4

本卷包括请柬、蜉蝣、杂文和报纸 clippings. Many of the invitations are undated.

Carton 12SH 1AKFScrapbook 5
Box 7SH 1AIGScrapbook 6


Box 8SH 1AIHScrapbook 7
Box 8SH 1AIHScrapbook 8
Box 8SH 1AIHScrapbook 9
"The Second Inaugural of Ulysses S. Grant"


Preferred Citation


Access Terms

这个利记手机官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL这是马萨诸塞州历史学会的在线目录. Researchers 欲知有关人士、组织或主题的资料,请查阅本目录 using these headings.


Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915.
Bradford, Gamaliel, 1831-1911.
Chandler, F. W. (Francis Ward), 1844-1926.
Chase, Philip Putnam, 1878-1978.
Dana, Richard Henry, 1851-1931.
Edes, Henry Herbert, 1849-1922.
Knowlton, Marcus Perrin, 1839-1918.
Morse, John T., Jr. (John Torrey), 1840-1937.
Storey, Gertrude Cutts, -1912.
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874.
Warren, Fiske.
Washington, George, 1732-1799.
Williams, George Fred, 1852-1932.
Winslow, Erving, |d 1839-1922


American Bar Association.
Game Club (Boston, Mass.).
Good Government Association.
Harvard University. Board of Overseers.
Massachusetts Reform Club.
全国有色人种协进会. Boston Branch.
Thursday Evening Club (Boston, Mass.).


African Americans--Civil rights.
Authors, American--19th century.
Boston (Mass.)--Politics and government.
Civil rights--United States.
Civil service reform--United States.
Lawyers as authors.
菲律宾——历史——自治和独立 movements.


摩尔菲尔德收集的散佚小册子、连载小册子和装订成册的杂项小册子 楼层已被移至MHS印刷馆藏.