
Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the legal papers, 大量的案件记录,以及贝弗利律师内森·戴恩的信件, Mass. 这些文件包括肯纳贝克酒店业主的信件 购买缅因州和其他个人和机构,其中戴恩担任 legal counsel, as well as letters from Gen. Henry Knox in regard to the Waldo 缅因州的专利,还有塞勒姆收费公路和切尔西的通信 Bridge Corp., of which Dane was a director.

Biographical Sketch

内森·戴恩(1752-1835)出生于马萨诸塞州伊普斯维奇., the son of Daniel Dane 阿比盖尔·伯纳姆,他是约翰·戴恩的直系后裔,约翰·戴恩定居于 Ipswich in 1638. 在哈佛大学接受教育后,戴恩成为一名教师,最终成为一名律师 lawyer in Beverly, Mass. 1782年,他被选为贝弗利的代表 General Court of Massachusetts. He was re-elected three times and, in 1785, 担任马萨诸塞州参加大陆会议的代表. In addition 在委员会任职期间,他还帮助起草了《利记手机官网》 Government of the Northwest Territory." He opposed the Federal Constitution's 他从国会退休,回到贝弗利执业. In 1790年,他被选入麻萨诸塞州参议院,并每年连任 from 1793-1798. 听力困难迫使他离开了他的职位 但他继续工作,并于1812年在委员会任职 他们被任命修订和出版马萨诸塞殖民地和 Provincial laws. 到1820年,他几乎完全失聪,把时间都花在了 他写了好几年的两个写作项目. The 首先,《利记手机官网》(A Moral and Political Survey of America)这一系列随笔从未出现过 published. The second, General Abridgment and Digest of 美国法律,附有偶尔的注释和评论, was published in eight volumes in 1823. 在他生命的最后几年里,他经常度过12年 他每天在图书馆里呆14个小时,从未失去学习的兴趣. He died in Beverly at the age of 83.

Collection Description

内森丹纸由18个盒子和1个超大盒子组成 法律文件,大量的案件记录,以及律师内森·戴恩的信件 from Beverly, Mass. 大部分的信件都是利记APP官网手机版业主的 肯尼贝克采购公司和其他个人和机构,戴恩担任 legal counsel. 查尔斯·沃恩,经纪人,还有阿罗迪·泰勒,是 Proprietors, were frequent correspondents. Included are several letters from Gen. Henry Knox in regard to the Waldo Patent. Other items include 利记APP官网手机版塞勒姆收费公路和切尔西桥公司的信件., of which Dane was a director; a copy of the "Massachusetts Answer to the Resolution of Virginia as to the Alien & Sedition Acts," written by Dane (Jan. 1799); and account books as agent for Mass. relating to the Revolutionary 马萨诸塞对美国宣战.

此外还有一封来自詹姆斯·门罗的信(2月12日). 1795) to Benjamin 洛维特利记APP官网手机版俘虏那艘纵帆船的事 Lark by a French privateer and other Lovett materials; correspondence of John, Joseph, and Andrew Cabot with Joseph Gardoqui & Sons regarding trade at Bilbao, Spain, and with Dane; a 1832年5月10日,戴恩写给丹尼尔·韦伯斯特的一封10页的信的副本 legislation to provide pensions for veterans of the Revolution; and deeds and 与纽伯里、比佛利和其他城镇的土地有关的其他法律文件 Essex County, Mass.

其他合订本包括戴恩的天气日记(1815-1834),办公室收据 书(1789-1817),和清单的房地产税(1780-1801)与货币和 commodity valuations (1774-1820); docket books of cases at the Essex County (Mass.) Court of Common Pleas (1782-1812); a receipt book (1783-1784); and three 客户纳撒尼尔·古尔德(1758-1781)的账簿.

Acquisition Information

大部分藏品是内森·戴恩的遗产捐赠, ca. 1835. 与马萨诸塞州索赔有关的账簿是由 purchase, Jan. 1914. 天气日记是古斯比的礼物,简. 1965.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Correspondence and business papers, 1663-1834

Arranged chronologically.

Box 1
Undated: Legal papers, case notes, etc.
Box 2
1663-1777: Copies of deeds and other legal 有关纽伯里、贝弗利和埃塞克斯其他城镇土地的文件 County; John, Joseph, & Andrew Cabot correspondence with J. Gardoqui; Kennebec Proprietors materials.
Box 3
1778-1784: Cabot/Gardoqui correspondence; Essex County lands documents; Nathan Dane legal papers, notes, powers of attorney, and writs of execution.
Box 4
1785-1788: Cabot correspondence; legal papers, notes, accounts, and correspondence.
Box 5
1789-1792: Legal documents, accounts, and 利记APP官网手机版麻萨诸塞州向美国索赔的文件.S.
Box 6
1793-1794: Legal papers, accounts, correspondence; and materials regarding Waldo patent.
Box 7
1795-1797: Legal papers, accounts; materials related to the Proprietors of the Kennebec Purchase; and papers related to Benjamin Lovett.
Box 8
1798-1800: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors.
Box 9
1801 1803: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors.
Box 10
1804-1806: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors.
Box 11
1807-1808: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors.
Box 12
1809-1810: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors.
Box 13
1811-1813: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors.
Box 14
1814-1827: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors.
Box 15
1828-1834: Accounts; legal papers; Waldo patent; Kennebec Proprietors; papers related to Salem Turnpike and Chelsea Bridge Corporation; and related to Dane's book General Abridgement and Digest of American Law.

II. Miscellaneous

Box 16
Receipt book.
Box 16
Book relating to debts of Mr. Thorndike.
Box 16
Box 16
Kennebec Proprietors records.
Box 16
Mass. claims against the U.S., records of Nathan Dane before the commission.

III. Additions, 1741-1834

Box 17
Dane family and other deeds and legal documents; accounts.

IV. Volumes, 1758-1834

Box 18
Docket book, Essex County, 1782-1794.
Box 18
Nathan Dane receipt book, 1783-1784.
Box 18
Nathan Dane weather diary (1815-1834); office receipt book (1789-1817); tax lists.
Box 18
Docket book, Essex County, 1795-1799.
Box 18
Docket book, Essex County, 1800-1808.
Box 18
Docket book, Essex County, 1809-1812.
Box 19
[Nathaniel Gould] wastebook, 1758-1763 .

On microfilm, P-790.

Box 19
Nathaniel Gould account book, 1763-1781.

On microfilm, P-790.

Vol. 1 (OS)
Nathaniel Gould wastebook, 1767-1781.

Stored in oversize box.

On microfilm, P-790.

Vol. 2
Mass. claims against the U.S., records of Nathan Dane before the commission.
OS Box
Misc. papers.

Preferred Citation


Access Terms

这个利记手机官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, 马萨诸塞州历史学会的在线目录. Researchers 希望获得有关个人、组织或主题的资料 search the catalog using these headings.


Cabot, Andrew.
Cabot, John.
Cabot, Joseph.
Gould, Nathaniel.
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806.
Lovett, Benjamin.
Monroe, James, 1758-1831.
Taylor, Arodi.
Vaughan, Charles, 1759-1839.
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852.


Kennebec Purchase (Me). Proprietors.
Massachusetts. Court of Common Pleas (Essex County).
Salem Turnpike and Chelsea Bridge Corporation.
Gardoqui and Sons.


Alien and Sedition laws, 1798.
Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798.
Land grants--Maine.
Real property--Massachusetts--Essex County.
Real property--Maine.
Toll roads--Massachusetts.
Bilbao (Spain)--Commerce--Massachusetts.
Waldo Patent (Me.).